Our Story So Far...

I've been a fan of baking from a very young age - Mum taught me all the basics and I baked regularly at the weekends as a child and into my teens.
This grew into a lifelong love of food, cooking and eating – I especially enjoy making puddings and usually menu plan from the end backwards!
Many years ago I had the idea to have a little cottage industry making puddings for customers to pass off as their own, for those people who didn't have the time or inclination to bake for themselves. The idea came to fruition years later in 2011 when The Pudding Kitchen was born!
Initially I specifically made puddings but latterly the range has expanded to include many different cakes and I am now proud to supply local cafes and bistros on a weekly basis as well as private customers who may just want a one off dessert, or a whole table-full for a wedding or other celebration, or a bespoke full afternoon tea - delivered to be devoured in your chosen venue.
One of the highlights of my month is a regular stall at Midsomer Norton Farmers’ Market where I sell by the portion. More information via the link here, but suffice to say, I love the market (even when it rains - see photo below!) in particular the direct face to face contact with the appreciative customers, returning for more each month!
With this growth in business I outgrew my home kitchen and in 2017 moved into a “grown-up” kitchen unit in the village which I shared with another business and where I stayed for 6 years. Then early in 2023 I began to look for more new accommodation as the time was right for me to grow the business further and spread my wings wider… so in June, after many months of head-scratching, planning and hard work, I moved into a brand new space which we transformed from an office environment into an all singing, all dancing (usually me doing the singing and dancing tbh!) purposed designed kitchen, with a room for a bit more growth! Exciting times and lots of potential ahead (plus I'm now findable on Google maps!)...
Also HUGE kudos and thanks for the massive help and support given by the dream team (Husb and Dad) without whom none of this would run as smoothly, from web build and design, to book-keeping, to enabling online payments and ordering system for the recent BakeBox initiative, to regular cafe deliveries, to market set-up lackey, to finance management and VAT returns to generally giving me The Look when my latest idea is off the mark! You are both truly brilliant and I love you all the more for it.